HL7 Norge


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Årsmøte HL7 Norge - 26.mars 2019

Sted: Radisson Blu, Gardermoen

Tid: 26.Mars 2019 - 15:15-16:00

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Leder HL7 Norge

Line Andreassen Sæle

HL7 FHIR kurs 26.mars 2019


HL7 Norge har gleden av å invitere til HL7 FHIR for kurs tirsdag 26. mars, kl. 09.00—15:00 på Radisson Blu, Gardermoen. 


Velkommen v/ styreleder i HL7 Norge

Line A Sæle


FHIR  - Profiling and Implementation guides  v/ Rene Spronk

The F in FHIR stands for "Fast", and the core of FHIR (REST and

Resources) can indeed be implemented easily. All interoperability standards need to be contextualised however, to constrain the standard for use in a particular legal, policy and workflow context. This tutorial covers the core of the FHIR profiling mechanism, inclusive of related aspects such the creation of implementation guides and validation.

Forelesningen er på engelsk. 




FHIR Documents/Messaging and XDS v/ Rene Spronk

REST is the most common mechanism for the exchange of FHIR resources.

The focus of this tuturial is to show that FHIR can also be used to exchange Messages (akin to HL7v2 and KITH) and Documents (akin to CDA).

The tutorial will also cover how the use of FHIR can be combined with IHE XDS, amongst other things it will cover IHE MHD (a FHIR based version of XDS), as well as the exchange of FHIR Documents via XDS.


Prerequisite knowledge for both tutorials is some basic knowledge of the FHIR standard. 

Forelesningen er på engelsk.

Tidspunkt: Tirsdag 26.mars 2019, kl. 09.00 – 15.00

StedRadisson Blu,Gardermoen

Påmelding Påmelding Deltager.no


         Medlemmer: 750,-

         Andre: 2500,-

Medlemmer som vil ha EHF faktura velger denne som kategori.

HF/Firma  får samlet EHF på deltakerene fra firma/HF


Påmeldingsfrist 20.03.19. 

FHIR-prosjekter i Norge


Oversikt over aktiviteter og prosjekter knyttet til bruk av FHIR i Norge planlegges etablert på HL7 Norges communitysider på Github-sider.




17th International HL7 Interoperability Conference (IHIC) 22-24 Oktober 2017

Årets IHIC arrangeres i Athen 22-24.Oktober.

Litt om konferansen:

IHIC 2017

The 17th International HL7 Interoperability Conference (IHIC 2017) will be held from 22-24 October 2017 in Athens, Greece. The meeting will be hosted by HL7 Hellas, with support from HL7 Germany as permanent IHIC supporter - other HL7 Affiliates have been invited to join the supporters™ team. The motto of the 2017 conference is:

"Re-shaping healthcare systems"

The conference aims to play the role of an interface between science, research and practice with regards to interoperability in the health and social care domain to share experiences and best practices.

It will present scientific papers on the one hand and demonstrations, practice reports, success and failure stories on the other hand.

Program Commitee

  • Bernd Blobel - Co-Chair (DE)
  • Alexander Berler - Co-Chair (GR)
  • Christof Gessner (DE)
  • Kai Heitmann (DE)
  • Mauro Giacomini (IT)
  • Dimitrios Katehakis (GR)
  • Nikos Kyriakoulakos (GR)
  • Lina Nikolopoulou (GR)
  • Sylvia Thun (DE)


  • The advancement of interoperability
  • Harmonization of interoperability standards and specifications among different SDOs
  • Terminology and ontology challenge of interoperability
  • Concepts and frameworks for Smart Interoperability Infrastructure Services
  • Local, regional or national Electronic Health Records solutions
  • Business Intelligence and Clinical Decision Support
  • Security, safety and privacy
  • Specification and implementation tools
  • FHIR and CDA - controversy, coexistence, or synergy?
  • "Show me your CDA" -  CDA implementations at all levels

Special Sessions

  • One IHIC 2017 session will be dedicated to the Greek national project on ePrescription, enriched by related experiences from other countries.
  • Another session will address EU projects European HL7 Affiliates are involved in.

Important Dates

  • Distribution of the Call For papers: 1 January 2017
  • Deadline for submissions: (Submission deadline extended until June 11 2017)
  • Evaluation and notification: 15 July 2017
  • Camera-papers ready due: 15 August 2017
  • IHIC 2016: 22-24 October 2017

Submissions and Formats

  • Manuscripts should not exceed 5000 words and must strictly follow the instructions for authors available at the Conference Website.
  • Papers are to be submitted electronically at the IHIC Submission System https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ihic2017 before June 11 2017 (final deadline)
